Play Against the Paulsen Sicilian – GM Rashad Babaev
The Paulsen Sicilian 1.e4 c5 2Nf3 e6 3d4 cxd4 4.N x d4 a6, is quite tricky opening with black bishop developing to b4 and pinning knight on c3 and sometimes with deadly effect. You need to know how to play against such aggressive strategy.
GM Rashad Babaev’s 8-hour course will equip you with the essential knowledge to master Paulsen system as white. The author is from the same Azerbaijani School of Chess that produced Kasparov, Radjabov and Mamedyarov. Like Kasparov, he was trained by the legendary Oleg Privorotsky. Rashad’s disciplined approach rooted deep in analyzing valuable strategies from games that work – making it an ideal program for 80/20 Tactics learners. Start pushing boundaries today; instead of playing safe opening moves, invest yourself into surprising attacks.