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Play Against the Paulsen Sicilian – GM Rashad Babaev
80-20 Tactics Paulsen Sicilian Extras
Sc01 Ch01 Whites Ideas in the Paulsen Sicilian (53:23)
Sc01 Ch02 Dark Square Weaknesses (22:50)
Sc01 Ch03 The Weakness of the d6 Square (19:31)
Sc01 Ch04 More Ideas for White (16:41)
Sc02 Ch05 Knight Sacs ond5 (58:29)
Sc02 Ch06 Pawn Sacs on e4 (17:35)
Sc02 Ch07 Pawn Sacs on e5 (26:31)
Sc02 Ch08 Pt01 Sacrifices on e6 (13:27)
Sc02 Ch08 Pt02 Sacrifices on e6 (10:38)
Sc02 Ch08 Pt03 Sacrifices on e6 (29:58)
80-20 Tactics Paulsen Sicilian 2
Sc02 Ch09 Sacrifices on f6 (19:26)
Sc02 Ch10 Pt01 Rook Lifts (23:12)
Sc02 Ch10 Pt02 Rook Lifts (16:55)
Sc02 Ch11 Opposite Colored Bishops (20:08)
Sc02 Ch12 Pt01 Other Tactics (16:14)
Sc02 Ch12 Pt02 Other Tactics (36:25)
Sc02 Ch12 Pt03 Other Tactics (28:18)
Sc02 Ch12 Pt04 Other Tactics (24:05)
Sc02 Ch12 Pt05 Other Tactics (23:47)
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Sc02 Ch12 Pt02 Other Tactics
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